It’s been a really long time since I released a solo single. I feel like I’ve been sharing lots of new songs thanks to this here newsletter… but there’s a difference between sending demos to the inner circle (that’s you, my friends) and launching something into outer space…
Truthfully, even this isn’t a real single. I mean yes, as of this morning it’s out there on Spotify and Apple Music and everywhere else. And yes, it was produced and mixed and mastered… I worked with Jake Nicoll from The Burning Hell and it was joyful to collaborate again. But it is a small song. Private, even. It’s not a big radio single with any aspiration for world domination. It’s a song I wrote when I was coming to terms with having left a relationship. A song I sang when I couldn’t speak.
A lot of time has passed since I wrote it. I slowly allowed myself to start performing it at live shows. I even dared to share a demo of it with you here last year. I don’t know exactly when it stopped feeling like a journal entry, a therapy session, an unsent letter... Once I committed it to tape (figuratively speaking) there was no more denying that the words and melodies I never thought I’d be able to get through without crying had become… a song. Maybe even a really good song? The flutes certainly sound nice.
And now in this weird profession I have chosen, and the even weirder world my profession has found itself in, I’m going to ask you to share my most intimate thoughts and feelings with EVERYONE YOU KNOW. I’m kidding, you don’t have to share it with anyone. But if you do choose to post it in your neighbourhood Whatsapp group, or share it on your instagram stories between cat pictures and Beyoncé’s new record, you should know that I am absolutely ok with that, and will not consider it a breech of confidence.
Thank you JF Robitaille for encouraging me to release this song and taking this photo by the pool one summer night in Montreal when we didn’t yet go to sleep at 9.30pm.
Thank you Sara Fanelli for lending me your handwriting and helping me make this cover art in 20 minutes while Milo played with your donkeys.
Thank you Jake Nicoll for understanding exactly what I want something to sound like even when I use words like ‘squished’ and ‘underwater’.
Thank you all for listening!
Lail x
Thank you Lail,
Funny to write a comment when I can tell you in person, and indeed told you after your gigs - Thank You is my favourite song to watch and hear you performing!
Happy it is now released.
Such a lovely song. Thank you for sharing it.