I started this project on New Year’s Day 2022. I was six months into motherhood, sleep deprived, music career still on parental/pandemic hiatus, and in real need of a creative outlet. I missed touring. I missed trying out new songs. I missed feedback. Audience feedback. Even guitar feedback! I had the urge to share — anything and everything — songs, stories, videos, poems, journals! So I did. With less thinking and planning than usual, less pretence and perfection, I started sending out special deliveries on Sunday mornings. Lucky for me my virtual audience kept growing... so I kept going! Welcome to the 3rd year of Foggy Notions. Make yourself at home, have a drink, maybe even mingle. There’ll be swingin’ and swayin’, and records playing...
“Smart, witty, and gorgeous songs, thoughtful narrations, compelling fiction, and much more from a wildly talented musician and writer. I always look forward to these missives.”
“Lail Arad on Substack showing the way to independent artists...”
“Favourite sunday reading and listening. Thank you my friend.”
“Each week something totally different, wow!”
“I couldn’t sleep and then discovered this - wonderful.”
“Look forward to this each Sunday, on my newsless media day.”
“You sing beautifully. And write beautifully, too.”
“Haven’t been commenting but don’t think I’m not enjoying your thought provoking output week after week.”